Sunday 10 April 2016

What do SGI members study?

What do SGI members study?

As study is an integral part of the complete practice of Nichiren Buddhism, the SGI offers many resources for study. In addition to the many books, periodicals and on-line study material, Buddhist learning is also a regular part of our discussion meetings each month. Interacting with other SGI members and asking questions when doubts or curiosity arise can also help us deepen our understanding of Nichiren Buddhism and of how we can empower ourselves.

Nichiren Daishonin wrote letters of encouragement to his followers in 13th-century Japan and his disciples preserved many of those letters. We study those letters in the first and second volumes of The Writings of Nichiren Daishonin. Though written centuries ago, the principles and teachings in those letters are applicable to our daily lives today.

In addidion to studying Nichiren's letters, we also pay close attention to the addresses and writings of Daisaku Ikeda, president of the Soka Gakkai International who provides modern interpretations and practical applications of Nichiren Buddhism in daily life. Under President Ikeda's leadership, from the time he was elected third president of the Soka Gakkai in 1960, the worldwide movement for peace through individual happiness - kosen-rufu - expanded beyond Japan to where there are now more than 12 million practitioners in some 190 countries and territories. Since he first encountered Nichiren Buddhism when he attended a Soka Gakkai discussion meeting in Tokyo at age 19, Daisaku Ikeda has spent the majority of his life deepening his understanding of Nichiren's intent for the happiness of all people, and his works put Nichiren's teachings into a modern context of practical, engaged Buddhism. President Ikeda's addresses and essays appear in our monthly Buddhist learning magazine indigo.

The indigo, as our organ periodicals, also carry important study information for discussion meetings, great experiences and messages. Every member can deepen their understanding of Nichiren Buddhism through reading these publications, and they can also be used to help us explain Buddhism to others.

All SGI study materials are provided for the purpose of helping practitioners develop the most fulfilled practices and lives. More information for these materials can be found on-line at

Living Buddhism "Without Practice and Study, There Can Be No Buddhism". May-Jun 2007 Special Reprint. (Some details have been changed to suit the SGI in the Netherlands, SGI-NL)

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