Saturday 19 March 2016

Terms that we always encounter. Here we define them.

Terms that we always encounter. Here we define them.

"Awakened One." One who perceives the true nature of all life and leads others to attain this same enlightenment. This Buddha nature exists in all beings and is characterized by the qualities of wisdom, courage, compassion and life force.

The object of devotion in Nichiren Buddhism. It is the embodiment of the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, expressing the life-state of Buddhahood, which all people inherently possess. Go means "worthy of honor" and honzon means "object of fundamental respect."

Sanskrit word meaning "action." The life tendency each individual creates through thoughts, words and deeds that exert an often unseen influence over one's life and environment.

Literally, it means "to widely declare and spread [the Lotus Sutra]"; to secure lasting peace and happiness for all humankind through the propagation of Nichiren Buddhism. More broadly, kosen-rufu refers to the process of establishing the humanistic ideals of Nichiren Buddhism in society.

Lotus Sutra
The scripture of Mahayana Buddhism, it teaches that all people can reveal their innate Buddhahood and that this supreme potential is eternal. The sutra also encourages its practitioners to spread the teaching of universal Buddhahood and help all people awaken to this truth. Reciting portions of the Lotus Sutra is part of SGI members' daily Buddhist practice.

The fundamental Law of the universe expounded in Nichiren Buddhism, it expresses the true aspect of life. Chanting it allows people to directly tap their enlightened nature and is the primary practice of SGI members. Although the deepest meaning of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is revealed only through its practice, the literal meaning is: Nam (devotion), the action of practicing Buddhism; myoho (Mystic Law), the essential Law of the universe and its phenomenal manifestations; renge (lotus), the simultaneity of cause and effect; kyo (Buddha's teaching), all phenomena.

Nichiren Daishonin 
The founder of the Buddhism upon which the SGI bases its activities. Based on his enlightenment, he inscribed the true object of devotion, the Gohonzon, for observing one's mind and established the invocation of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo as the universal practice for attaining enlightenment. The name Nichiren means "sun lotus," and Daishonin is an honorific title that means "great sage."

Living Buddhism "Without Practice and Study, There Can Be No Buddhism". May-Jun 2007 Special Reprint.

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